Carpe Diem's Tanka Shrine

 Welcome friends and visitors!
 Carpe Diem's Tanka Shrine- The goal of the Tanka Shrine is to write a new Tanka inspired on the one given. This weeks is a Tanka written by Takuboku for our inspiration.

Statue of Ishikawa Takuboku at Hakodate, Hokkaido
On the white sand
Of the beach of a small isle
In the Eastern Sea
I, my face streaked with tears,
Am playing with a crab
                         (c) Ishikawa Takuboku
   shimmering tide
shadow dance with the wind 
thoughts consumes  me 
drift wood passing, mocks my sin


Copyright © 2013 SaFire


  1. Wow! SaFire what a nice response on the Tanka by Takubuko ... thanks.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Love the ambiguity in the words "mock my sin"

  4. driftwood passing, mocks my sin - a really great line, SaFire. great Tanka. ☺


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